You live 3 years longer training calisthenics (Science-proven)
Want to add a few years to your life? Grab those gym rings and get ready for some bodyweight workout. A recent study found that calisthenics can add 3.1 years to your lifespan. That's right, you could be around longer...
How to unlock your first clean pistol squat (Step-by-step guide)
The pistol squat is hard. To get there you must work. Start with regular squats. They build your legs. Move to narrow squats. They test your balance. Deep squats come next. They hurt but they work. Bulgarian splits and Cossack squats make one leg strong. Practice with a box. Hold a wall. Keep working. One day you will do the pistol squat clean and true. It is worth it. The pistol squat shows mastery. It is pure strength.